
Name Card

Sudhakara Reddy
Associate Professor
Academic Group: 
Finance and Control
Phone No.: 
Contact Details: 
M-406, New Academic Block Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Joka, Diamond Harbour Road Kolkata - 700104
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Academic Background: 
PhD (Finance) - IBS Hyderabad, 2013. Visiting Scholar - Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, New York, 2011-2012. M.Sc. - Guindy Campus, University of Madras, 2005.
Courses Taught: 
Corporate Finance Options, Futures and other Derivatives Portfolio Management and Mutual Funds Quantitative Finance and Financial Modelling Using SAS Doctoral Seminar in Market Microstructure Doctoral Seminar in Corporate Finance Doctoral Seminar in Corporate Governance
Received the “Best Teacher Award” constituted by IBS Alumni Federation for the year 2015-2016 at IBS Hyderabad. ‘Best Research Paper Award’ at TAPMI-Colorado State University 1st International Finance Conference held at TAPMI, Manipal, April-2015. ‘Best Doctoral Thesis Proposal Award’ at IIM-Ahmedabad Doctoral Colloquium, January-2013.


Work Experience: 
Assistant Professor, IIM Calcutta from December, 2017 Area Chair and Associate Professor, IBS Hyderabad from October, 2016 to December, 2017 Assistant Professor, IBS Hyderabad from December, 2013 to September, 2016 Software test Engineer, Clinsoft Technologies from June, 2005 to May, 2008


Journal Publications: 
--- Are business groups different from other family firms? Evidence from corporate investments during political uncertainty, with Kavita Wadhwa, Emerging Markets Review, Forthcoming --- Trading performance and market efficiency: Evidence from Algorithmic trading, with Kavita Wadhwa, Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. 54, pp. 1-15, December 2020 --- Do Group-affiliated Firms Time their Equity Offerings? with Kavita Wadhwa and Suman Neupane, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 54, pp. 73-92, April 2019 --- Speed of Information Dissemination by Foreign Institutional Investors: Further Evidence, with Kavita Wadhwa, Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. 49, pp. 301-314, 2019 --- Role of Market Timing and Market Conditions: Evidence from Seasoned Equity Offerings, with Kavita Wadhwa, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 48, pp. 555-566, April 2019 --- Reallocation of IPO Shares: Emerging Market Evidence, with Kavita Wadhwa, International Journal of Managerial Finance, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 414-432, July 2018 --- Market Timing and Pseudo Market Timing: An empirical examination of IPOs in India, with Kavita Wadhwa, Managerial Finance, Vol. 44. No. 2, pp. 160-177, 2018 --- Evidence of algorithmic trading from Indian equity market: Interpreting the transaction velocity element of financialization, with Ritesh Dubey and Yogesh Chauhan, Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. 42, pp. 31-38, Dec. 2017 --- Determinants of Commonality in Liquidity: Evidence from an Order Driven Market, with Kavita Wadhwa and Abhinav Goyal, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 42, pp. 38-52, Nov. 2017 --- Block-ownership, bank nominee director and crash-risk, with Yogesh Chauhan, Kavita Wadhwa, and Abhinav Goyal, Finance Research Letters, Vol. 14, pp. 20-28, Aug. 2015 --- Board Busyness and Crash Risk: Evidence from Indian Stock Market, with Yogesh Chauhan and Kavita Wadhwa, International Journal of Corporate Governance, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 1-24, 2015 --- Commonality in liquidity : An empirical examination of emerging order-driven equity and derivatives markets, with Nagi Reddy and Abhinav Goyal, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, & Money, Vol. 33, pp. 317-334, 2014 --- Institutional Investors and Stock Liquidity, with Yogesh Chauhan and Kavita Wadhwa, Global Business Review, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 461-476, 2014 --- Underpricing, Long-run Performance and Secondary-market Liquidity: An Empirical Examination of Indian IPO Market, with Kavita Wadhwa and Nagi Reddy, Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 75-93, 2014 --- International Stock Market Integration: A Study of the US and the BRIC Markets, with Kavita Wadhwa, International Research Journal of Economics and Business Studies, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 56-67, 2012 --- Foreign Direct Investment into Developing Asian Countries: The role of Market Seeking, Resource Seeking and Efficiency Seeking Factors, with Kavita Wadhwa, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 6 No. 11, pp. 219-226, 2011
--- 8th India Finance Conference. Paper Presented: Do Group-affiliated Firms Time their Equity Offerings?, December 20-22, 2018 --- 5th India Finance Conference. Paper Presented: “Commonality in liquidity: An Empirical Examination of Stocks and Options Listed on NSE”, December 18-19, 2015 --- TAPMI-CSU 1st International Conference, Paper Presented: “Commonality in liquidity: Determinants, market returns, and Financial Crisis” April 14-15, 2015 --- 11th International Conference on Business and Finance, IBS Hyderabad, IFHE University. Paper Presented: “Commonality on Liquidity: An Empirical Examination of Stocks and options listed on NSE”, Jan 8-9, 2013 --- 7th Doctoral Colloquium, IIM-Ahmedabad. Presented Thesis Proposal: “Commonality in Liquidity: An Empirical Examination of Stocks and Options Listed on NSE”, Dec 18-19, 2012 . --- 12th International Business Research Conference, University of North Florida, Jacksonville. Paper Presented: “Stock Market Integration: An Investigation of BRIC countries”, Feb 9-10, 2012 --- 13th INBUSH 2011 Conference, Amity International Business School, Noida, India, Paper Presented: “Foreign Direct Investment into Developing Asian Countries: The role of Market Seeking, Resource Seeking and Efficiency Seeking Factors”, Feb 23 – 25, 2011
1. Battle in the Shipyard, with Subhash Jha and N. Vishwanathan, Ivey case publishing no. 9B14N027, 2014. 2. Coal India IPO: The Mother of All IPOs, with D Satish, European Case Clearing House (ECCH), Case Reference No. INB0012, 2011.
Research Interests: 
Market Microstructure especially Liquidity and Algorithmic Trading Pricing and Demand aspects of Initial Public Offerings Mutual Funds and their performance issues Corporate governance aspects of Board of Directors